Changing our council’s approach: putting community and climate first in South Oxfordshire

South Oxfordshire District Council Green Party Group Leader Cllr Robin Bennett has written for Green World magazine about the changes the Green and Lib Dem administration have been making.

Our administration’s approach to bringing services back in house is a clear reversal of our Conservative predecessors’ policy, and has put us in a much stronger position both financially and practically. As a result, Heads of Service can manage costs more effectively, improving the long-term position and freeing up £500,000 for immediate additional investment. We have split these funds between three of our key priorities: Protect and Enhance Nature, Taking Action on Climate Change, and Community Wellbeing…

“…Having a group of Green councillors has made a clear and positive difference to these plans. Alongside our Lib Dem partners, with welcome support from other groups on the council, we are showing that there’s a different way to do things, putting communities, climate and nature first, while also improving the council’s long term financial resilience.”

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